South Pacific knowledge exchange strengthens resilience


27 May 2024

2024 South West Pacific Regional SeisComP User Group meeting

Collaboration and sharing knowledge is critical to world-leading science and we’re proud to play our part. A recent example of this collaboration is our role hosting the South West Pacific Regional SeisComP User Group meeting in April.

SeisComP is the earthquake processing tool used widely at GNS Science, particularly in the GeoNet programme. It is a seismological software tool for data processing, distribution, and analysis. It also includes modules for volcano and tsunami monitoring.

SeisComP is also used at Geoscience Australia and a range of other hazard monitoring agencies around the South West Pacific, and right across the globe. In attendance at the meeting were over 50 scientists and technical experts from Aotearoa New Zealand, Australia, Fiji, Tonga, French Polynesia both in person and online.

Attendees of the 2024 South West Pacific Regional SeisComP User Group meeting
Attendees of the 2024 South West Pacific Regional SeisComP User Group meeting

Attendees of the user group meeting received first-hand information on new product development and upcoming software releases from GEMPA, the developers of SeisComP. They gained the opportunity to collaborate and share experiences with each other through this meeting and the working groups.

This was the fifth meeting of this regional user group (so far Geoscience Australia and GNS have taken turns hosting), which has been developing slowly into its current iteration. It’s a great chance for technical specialists and seismologists to dive into the inner workings and share experiences from the earthquake and hazard monitoring front line.

Workshop attendees from Fiji, Tonga, Australia, French Polynesia and Germany talk about how the National Geohazard Monitoring Centre performs its part in our hazard monitoring system.
Workshop attendees from Fiji, Tonga, Australia, French Polynesia and Germany talk about how the National Geohazard Monitoring Centre performs its part in our hazard monitoring system.

And while SeisComP is the focus, whenever groups like this get together, they hatch ideas and plans to support each other. The group also took part in a walking tour to visit Te Aro Pā and gain understanding of Wellington and Aotearoa New Zealand’s rich Māori history.

The workshop was a success with GNS-led presentations leading to many great discussions and relationships. Next year, the meeting will take place in French Polynesia to allow more members of the user group to attend. We look forward to continuing to support this rewarding network by connecting and learning from each other to make our region a safer and more resilient place to live.

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