GNS brand resources: Press kit

Brand assets
Below you’ll find some guidelines to help you when referencing GNS Science and applying our brand.
Our name
We are proud of our brand names - GNS Science and Te Pū Ao. When both names are used together, Te Pū Ao can be applied as a prefix or suffix to best suit the context, either Te Pū Ao GNS Science, or GNS Science Te Pū Ao.
It is acceptable to use both names together in the first instance, thereafter using only GNS Science, GNS or Te Pū Ao, and remaining consistent.
We recommend that Te Pū Ao should only be used on its own to reference GNS Science Te Pū Ao in cultural contexts.
If used in combination, Te Pū Ao should only be used with GNS Science, never with just the GNS acronym.
Below you’ll find some guidelines to help you when referencing GNS Science and applying our brand.
Our logo
Please use the GNS Science Te Pū Ao horizontal logo as the main version for most applications. Other variations can be used when this version is not applicable.

Please don’t
Please don’t stretch or alter the GNS logo, or use it in any other colours than those provided.

Variations and clear areas
Please provide plenty of space around the logo to allow it to breathe.