Papua New Guinea Landslide Response

Media Release

05 June 2024

Satellite Map of PNG

A severe landslide struck Enga Province in Papua New Guinea on 24 May 2024.

GNS science is working closely with Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) and has been supporting the technical experts who have travelled to Papua New Guinea as part of New Zealand’s humanitarian assistance, we are also providing technical assistance to the Papua New Guinea national geohazards division. 

Our team of landslide experts have been providing technical and landslide response information, from here in New Zealand. To do this the team have been using satellite imagery and photos from the landslide to provide information on ground conditions above the landslide (useful for managing the risk of further instability) and on and around the landslide debris. They have been using this information along with landslide runout models to determine the thickness of the debris, and to track any structure debris to help with victim recovery. 

For more information on this response, contact the response lead agency the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT):  

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