Landslide Planning Guidance webinar - now available to watch


09 February 2024

SM Landslide 130506 Graham Hancox GNS EQC

The new Landslide Planning Guidance released by GNS Science in January updates previous guidance published more than 15 years ago and emphasises the need to consider climate-change scenarios that are likely to exacerbate landslide hazards.

GNS co-authors Engineering Geologist Saskia de Vilder  and Senior Natural Hazards Planner Scott Kelly walk through the guidance in this 40-minute webinar aimed at planners and geotechnicians.

The webinar covers:

  • the reason for the guidance
  • landslide 101 for planners
  • our 5 recommended levels of  susceptibility, hazard and risk analysis
  • planning tools
  • case studies

(external link)

The webinar is now available to view on the Landslide Planning Guidance web page.

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