Pay Equity

GNS Science has been making progress to close the gender pay gap since forming a partnership with the PSA in 2016 to carry out GNS' first Pay and Employment Equity Review.
GNS Science is also committed to Kia Toipoto and continue to to build an inclusive and equitable workplace for our people.
GNS Science’s 2016 Pay and Employment Equity Review (PEER) working group started the journey to close the gender pay gap. Our People and Culture Group has continued this work with a focus on representation of more women in leadership, and gender equity being monitored and improved upon during annual remuneration rounds.
Since 2016, the average gender pay gap at GNS Science has decreased from 21.6% (November 2016) to 5.14% (May 2024).
Additional steps taken by GNS Science include unconscious bias training for staff, a remuneration strategy that puts gender equity as a key priority, creation of employee led networks, focus on increasing female representation in senior roles, and inclusive leadership.
GNS Science is working to address a historical pay gap driven by under-representation of women in higher paid roles. Since the release of the 2017 PEER report, GNS Science has actioned a number of recommendations from the report. These have resulted in improved gender distribution within GNS Science as a whole and within our Senior Leadership team.
GNS Science is working to address a historical pay gap driven by under-representation of women in higher paid roles. Since the release of the 2017 PEER report, GNS Science has actioned a number of recommendations from the report. These have resulted in improved gender distribution within GNS Science as a whole and within our Senior Leadership team.